Made-to-Measure (MTM) is the term tailors use as a halfway point between Made-to-Order (MTM) and Bespoke. MTO takes an existing template of sizing and designs, and allows you to choose minor details such as fabric or button options.
MTM, however, is vastly different to this and off-the-rack options as you will work alongside a tailor who will measure your body and craft a garment of your specification from scratch. The garments are completely customisable, and hence is a much lengthier process than the more basic options of off-the-rack and MTO. This allows one to progressively improve on the pattern, and any minor issues are worked out in a gradual dialogue between client and tailor to achieve the ideal fit.
Bespoke is at the top end of tailoring. This is for the gentleman with a serious #menswear addiction, or just a man who enjoys some of the simple and finer pleasures of life. Bespoke suiting is crafted unhurriedly around the body, utilising pinpoint attention-to-detail to correct even the most minute irregularities in posture, stance and other asymmetries. Bespoke garments are a gradual process whereby the garments arrive half-conscructed to evaluate these minor details and correct if needed. Generally there are three to four fittings, and the process may take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks for completion. Prices by request.